Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis) photographed at Mysore. These birds are mainly insect eaters and they are found in grassland, thin scrub and forest often quite far from water.
Like other bee-eaters, this species is a richly coloured, slender bird. It is about 9 inches (16�18 cm) long with about 2 inches made up by the elongated central tail-feathers. The sexes are not visually distinguishable. The entire plumage is bright green and tinged with blue especially on the chin and throat. The crown and upper back are tinged with golden rufous. The flight feathers are rufous washed with green and tipped with blackish. A fine black line runs in front of and behind the eye. The iris is crimson and the bill is black while the legs are dark grey. The wings are green and the beak is black. The elongated tail feathers are absent in juveniles. Sexes are alike.
Such a beautiful picture.