Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter mornings at Sultanpur…. part 2


The sound of woodpeckers moved us towards this patch of trees, where we saw not one but two woodpeckers of different species, digging for insects from the dead branches of a tree.

_MG_9786This one is a Yellow-crowned Woodpecker (Dendrocopos mahrattensis), which is a pied (black and white) woodpecker.









and this is a Black Rumped Flameback_MG_9789 (Dinopium benghalense)












_MG_9787In addition to these two, the thicket was also home to a pair of Scarlet Minivets (Pericrocotus flammeus) which is a small, very brightly coloured bird.





And another Hoopoe, shown below.
